Sign Up for Lucy’s Newsletter

on October 23, 2020 Lucy

Cartoon image of Lucy Monroe at a writing desk with the words Lucy's Latest above her headI haven’t done a regular newsletter in a while, so I went to the source to figure out what I should include in it nowadays.  I asked readers and other authors what they wanted to see in an author newsletter (or what they included in their own).

There were some nearly unanimous elements suggested/requested:

  1. Info on Upcoming Releases
  2. Info on my Current WIP (work in progress)
  3. Info on Current Releases
  4. A personal note sharing details of my life

All of these with unique excerpts and/or character commentary.

Recommendations for books and movies were suggested by a few, but only those I had actually read and could recommend personally. (I wasn’t entirely surprised by this considering the low engagement I get on social media to book recommendations.)

I also asked how often readers wanted to receive newsletters and was not at all surprised that most prefer to get them about every 4-6 weeks.  We all have way too much digital media clamoring for our attention.

Not one person said they looked for free story content, but the authors most frequently mentioned as those they look forward to newsletters from do include extra scenes, free stories, etc.

I will have a newsletter out soon and I hope you’ll make sure you are signed up to receive it.  Not only will there be info on my latest and upcoming releases, there will be an excerpt from my current WIP as well as a coupon for a free book download for my Newsletter subscribers.  And yes, a personal note.

So, make sure you don’t miss it!

Hugs and happy reading,