Musings From the Front Porch

on September 14, 2015 Lucy

FrontPorchMemeAs I have traveled on this journey as an author, I have been so fortunate to get to know and connect with many of my readers, but as real as I try to be, there’s no denying I hold a certain part of myself back.  I wanted a place I could share that part of me with friends, family and readers alike. So I created a community Facebook page called Musings From the Front Porch where I am just going to be me.   It’s a place where we can come together in support of one another, where we can encourage one another and find encouragement, a safe place.  I hope a good place.  A place like my front porch would be if you all could stop by and set a spell of an evening, if the world weren’t such a big place, though the Internet makes it feel so small.  I’m letting you all know about it because I felt like it would be great for my readers to have an opportunity to get to know me better as a person, not just as an author.

My musings, thoughts, spiritual insights and everyday living are things I would like to share with you all along with my books and characters that live inside them. I would love for my readers to be a part of this community where we can grow, explore and discuss life together.   I am so excited for this new adventure!  Come join me!

One thought on “Musings From the Front Porch”

  1. Nicole Riles says:

    I love your books. I have been reading your books since 2004.

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