Helen Bianchin

on January 21, 2018 Lucy

I thought it would be fun to do a series on the romance authors I love to read, some of whom have been wonderful mentors and become friends.

I’m not sure when I read my first Helen Bianchin book.  I do know that this Kiwi born writer, who has been residing in Australia since 1981, published her first novel in 1975, and I have all of her books on my keeper shelves.  One of the things I love most about Helen’s writing has been her ability to create heroines relevant to the time.  When I pick up a book by her, I know I’ll get intense emotion, white hot passion and go through a roller coaster of feelings as I read…she’s been giving readers just that amazing combination for decades.  But what I won’t get?  The same book she wrote back then.  No matter how much I love them, I love more the fact that she writes characters that have changed with our times.

Her books could easily be used to study the change of women’s roles and the vocal move toward female empowerment from the 1970s to now.

But Helen is for me, more than simply an author I admire.  She’s someone I really like and appreciate.

In 2002, I sold my first book to Mills & Boon / Harlequin Presents.  As a newly published author for a line that up to a couple of years previous (when they bought Jane Porter), had been pretty insular, I felt out of my depth and more than a little intimidated.  Helen was always gracious, warm and very welcoming.

And when I got to meet her a few years later (when I was speaking at the Romance Writer’s conference in Australia), she dealt with my fan girl moment with absolute kindness.  She was so lovely and encouraging, but more than that, she gave some very sage advice.

Back then, a lot of people (reviewers and readers) were comparing me to Linda Howard, Diana Palmer and Jayne Ann Krentz.  While these authors are some of my all time favorites, and I found the comparisons incredibly affirming, they were also daunting.  In no way did I think I could live up to the talent and creativity of my heroes.

Unaware of my inner torment, Helen took me aside at that long ago conference and told me not to worry about being like anyone else.  To be myself, write my books, and everything would work out.  She was so right!

I’ve since learned to not worry if my stories, creativity or voice are enough.  I write to connect to readers’ hearts and I can only do that with my stories.

And I’m still a huge fan of Helen’s.  In fact, I screamed like a little girl when I saw her new book on the shelves at my local Fred Meyer and snapped it right up.  Do you need me to tell you that it’s filled with her signature emotion, incredible story telling and a first rate romance?  Well, it is!

For a complete list of Helen’s books, go here.  And please, take a moment to check out her author page on Mills & Boon.

Until next time!

#romance #lovestories #HarlequinPresents #Australia #author #myfavorites

8 thoughts on “Helen Bianchin”

  1. What a wonderful piece of advice and something I think we all need to take to heart. I love Presents and will be sure to pick up Helen’s latest! I’m also looking forward to your next Presents.

  2. Helen Bianchin says:

    Dear Lucy,

    I loved meeting up with you – so many years ago! I know we’ve been out of touch, but not out of sight! I love meeting authors, hearing their stories!

    Take care and best wishes
    Helen Bianchin

  3. Linda Stocker says:

    I read most of her books but I didn’t realize she has a new book I have not seen any in the new pulications. Or is this an older article.

    1. Lucy Monroe says:

      Hi, Linda. I wrote this article in Jan, 2018 when Helen had a new book out here in the US. I know after a hiatus, Helen is writing again, which is exciting for all of us who enjoy her stories.

  4. Helen Bianchin says:

    Thanks so much, Lucy! I love fellow authors, the journey we take with the books we write. I’ve had a health hiatus, but back to writing again. I wrote my editor and said … As we speak, the book is almost finished … it will be with you soon! The title (mine!) is “Claiming his Woman”. However, that may be changed! Helen

    1. Lucy Monroe says:

      I know I’m not the only one who is thrilled to hear that you’ve got a new book in the works, Helen. I love your work and just think the world of you. So glad your health is better. Hugs and much love!

  5. Gabi Brockelsby says:

    Just reading the comments on this article. You are right Ms. Monroe! I know I’m excited to read there may be another book forthcoming from one of my all-time favorite authors. Are there any updates on the publication date?

    1. Lucy Monroe says:

      So sorry, I should have updated this comment. However, ultimately Helen decided to retire from writing and focus on her family. Harlequin Mills&Boon made a public announcement, I think it was last year. Take care and happy reading!

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